There are two levels of Membership – Full Members and Friends.
Full Members are those enthusiastic committed artists who are actively producing new work of a consistently good standard on a regular basis. They are often involved in a variety of art activities such as exhibitions both locally and nationally.
Full Members are elected to this level through a process of adjudication by a panel of SSA Members which takes place usually twice a year.
Friends are those who are enthusiastic and enjoy an involvement in art.
The SSA has a Management Committee who look after the day to day running of the Society. The committee welcomes new applications for both Members and Friends.

Members exhibitions
Have your own web page on the society’s website
Take part & Attend upcoming events
Participate in workshops and demonstrations
Vote in AGM (Annual General Meeting) on matters arising
£40 per annum (1st January 2024)
Painting days
Friends exhibitions
Free Newsletter
Invitations to exhibition previews & openings
Discount card for local art suppliers
£20 per annum (1st January 2024)