Members’ Gallery Stores
The Society Of Staffordshire Artists (SSA) makes available to each of its members, free of charge, a sub-domain of its main domain, for example:, to enable SSA members to sell their works of art.
Please note that for the duration that this paragraph is shown, the gallery-stores shown below are intended to serve as examples only, to enable members to see what can be done.
Any paid-up member who would like to have their own gallery-store for just £5.00 per month should contact Paul Newcastle, by using the Contact Form of this website (see navigation menu).
The SSA does not create the members’ gallery-stores (which members can do by arrangement with a 3rd party, Betley Digital Services), nor does SSA impose rules nor standards, nor does it take any responsibility whatsoever for the operations of the gallery-stores nor the quality nor price nor any other aspect of the works of art displayed thereon; nor for the conduct of the members in their customer- and/or trading-relationships.